Sunday, June 25, 2006


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I saw a sign the other day, no not from above, which said "MOWING AHEAD" I mused why not "MOWING BEHIND" Or "MOWING ASIDE" Logically the sign was totally inaccurate. While the State Road want motorists to be conscious of 'effort' going on, and as taxpaying citizens we are appreciative of that. As educators I ponder that it is obligatory to say what we mean and not to mislead the public. If that were the case would we not then be labeled politicians or journalists? The vehicle that does the mowing, has an attachment on the stern as well as the flank, therefore "MOWING AHEAD" is incongruous at best. That however poses another dilemma, would the sign then say "STERN MOWING with FLANK COVERED" OK its raining and I am being silly! Or am I?
Which brings this to mind...
By counting the seconds between the flash and the thunder and dividing by 5, an estimate of the distance to the strike (in miles) can be made. Lightning

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