Saturday, June 24, 2006

Little White FUZZY Butts

Early this a.m. my sweetie asked ‘how I felt.’ This of course was in reference to the yard work I pulled off yesterday. Of course I was early in my waking up mode and as I need time to awake just answered “With my Fingers”… Bless his heart he spared my aching back and loaded the trailer with the rest of the cuttings from yesterday venture. I chuckled silently to my self, as I recalled my Daddy saying this to my Mom. Then I started thinking about words…not that that is anything new. Like fuzzy butts, and raccoonie bahoonies which all leads to the topic de jour. Those topics for yet another story. Little White FUZZY Butts! Year ago when I was an adult leader in a local Cub Scout Day camp I first learned about what was called “Snow Fleas”, which are actually not what they actually are. Granted there are Snow fleas, but this time of year the bugs I saw last evening are WHITEFLIES! I caught several so I would make the correct identification. Idle time you say? Not really I was pausing after drenching a Hornets nest…not anxious to be involved in a STING Operation. The nest appears to be the size of a football. It is behind a trellis that I want to move. Close inspection is sketchy at this point. So today purchase more Hornet spray…and in the interim catch a little white Fuzzy Butts!

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