Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Koi Names

Our youngest son and I were working on the new pond area and took time to watch the fish. With his help I had moved three from the little Koi pond over to this one. We had placed the three in the upper part. The next day I noticed the largest one nosing at the waterfall. The next day this one fish was in the lower pond. It hit be then Toulouse, because he/she had done the same thing in the little koi pond. I, of course shared this with him and he scoffed at my choice of names. He inquired what of the others? At that point we had only three and I said I had not thought of other names as yet. He suggested some names and the day went on without resolution. Then Rich brought out the new plants and four new koi on Saturday. By the time the third and most elusive of the original koi was nowhere to be seen in the upper pond. Again name bantering and the day wore on. Yesterday we came up with a tentative list of names. The jury is still out but I figure a few will stick.
1. Toulouse [too-looz'] the first escapee, a play on words for sure 2. His partner in crime possible named, Lautrec [loh-trek'] 3. The two fish that are mostly gray and hard to tell apart, Click and Clack the Tappit Brothers (aka Tom and Ray Magliozzi). 4. Something oriental… 5. Hondo, for a fish my son had, but then one daughter had a fish called Beer…
If you have any suggestions please feel free to share…


Unknown said...

tough call. i prefer hondo and beer. tolous is cute, but i'd skip latrck.

DeeMom said...

Your brother B. thinks the “Lautrec” might be preggers. Still no name for that one at the moment but I do agree that that particular name just is not quite it. But your comment “I’d Skip Lautrec” made me chuckle…like a train off track…HA HA. It’s been a long day for sure :)