Thursday, April 19, 2007

I trip

How to wile away the time while the car is being taken care of Or thanks to the worlds greatest Sarah Martin… What fun I am going to have with my new iTrip. I love my iPod, which is almost a year and a half old, now I can have all the music I want when I want it and where I want! I was reading about this technology and found something that could be a lot of fun. “Ever get stuck at a stop light for like 10 minutes and the dude in the next car is blasting the radio? With the super easy iPod interface you can quickly get to the station he's on and send over whatever you want, a couple gentle ocean waves or birds usually works out great.” Now that sounds like entertainment personified! So tomorrow after I have done my assigned chores I shall play with my new gadget! Ummmmm makes me think about Inspector Gadget!

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