Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gratification is…

Our refrigerator SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO clean it looks new! Improperly stored foods, leftovers, spills, and neglect can turn your refrigerator into a nightmare. Mold, mildew, and bacteria commonly invade refrigerators through simple use. To keep your refrigerator running properly and your family safe from food borne illness, a thorough refrigerator cleaning is recommended at least once-per-year. ALAS I forgot to loosen the refrigerator light bulb so that it is off. Refrigerator light bulbs were intended for only short-period uses and will likely burn out if left on during heavy-duty cleaning. For extra tough stains and spills, try: TOOTHPASTE [does this come with a dental Hygienist?] Non-abrasive toothpaste helps to cleanse and brighten refrigerators without the scratching properties of most household cleansers. Apply liberally with a sponge or rag and scrub until stains disappear. Rinse with a clean rag and warm water. Another article said: Make cleaning second nature and… Let me GAG here a moment… I do better outside, but I am pleased the Fridge is clean…I have been admiring its INNER beauty all afternoon! HA HA! Tomorrow the Range as is HOME HOME ON THE R ANGE???

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