Monday, November 06, 2006

What a BEAMING weekend

I came down this Sunday morning and went through my usual drill. It was when I sat down finally with the first cup of coffee I saw it. Several years ago when our kids were just starting on their college / military adventures my Sweetie would write letters. I have always enjoyed reading what he writes, nice to see another’s perspective on life. This morning FINALLY he begins to write once again. I BEAMED! There was more beaming to come. We finally got all of the wood split, area cleaned and raked. Then we were off to friend’s sons Eagle Scout Ceremony, more memories. Our eldest son achieved this momentous honor. I sat there with a tear of happiness for Linda and Tom as they Beamed at their son. Then the pinning of the Eagle Scout pin and more tears fell. It was the joy of my father in law to not only pin our son but also present him with the Eagle Scout Pin he had earned as a youth. The memories are good; we miss him, the Grandfather of our children, my Sweeties father and my Father-in-law. The drive home was made easier as the sky was brilliantly festooned with fluffy clouds and convivial sunlight.

1 comment:

DeeMom said...

YA when I wrote this that thought entered my mind

Gotta admit the ceremony for your brother was neat