Saturday, November 04, 2006


Do you know there is a PROPER way to hang your clothes? Well there is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After I wrote my venting thing on the dryer, memories flooded back of when I was a kid. MOM, the Clothes line, the stretchers for my brothers jeans, the stretchers for the sheers [aka curtains] The neighbors OH yes I was born in a CITY. Memories of Mom saying the UNMENTIONABLES were to be hung with in the INNER perimeters of the Clothesline. Geesh Charlie and Elsie, our elderly neighbors would be horrified. NO one would want a neighbor to see ones UNMENTIONALBES. Within THAT was the proper preparation of the clothesline. One needed a Wet cloth doused in a wash of Clorox and soap to get the mold and Mildew off the line, some lines were in the EARLY day cloth later plastic covered, Then the proper treatment of the clothes pins. On the OUTER lines ONE placed the sheets and towels IN the INNER lines the UN Mentionables THEN the arduous task to IRON the UN MENTIONABLES Well we were lucky I guess cause we had a mangle This really odd werid thing that ironed the FLAT items I would help with my fathers T-shirts and that was IT I dug my heels in on his undies OOPS Un mentionables Then later when we Finally got a DRYER. Praise the Lord and Pass the ammunition! The MANGLE was then used to dry his photos that he did with our dark room. The room off their kitchen that SHOULD have been a down stairs Powder room was a DARK room here I gained my love of photography. HA we were also the last in our City Block to get TV. Know what? Life is good!

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