Friday, October 27, 2006

Frogs are lucky! They eat what BUGS Them!

Here it is Almost Friday once again ~~~ I could tell you about the Dryer Repair man and how I called in on Monday and told a series of people all the information they needed on this particular unit. I could tell you that I told these same myriads of people I thought that the heating coil was the problem. I Could do that. But then I could also tell you that the WINDOW of opportunity I was given to expect a repair person was 8 am to 4:40 p.m. Then I suppose I could further go on about the man coming, going through the myriad of the same questions about the Pedigree of said dryer and then he said, after checking of course, “The heating coil went bad.” I suppose telling you that I responded to him “ I know I told everyone I talked to Monday that was the problem.” Then if I told you I had the audacity to ask the man,” well you do have that unit in your truck, right?” I suppose you are now rolling on the floor laughing as I tell you he said, WITH A STRAIGHT face mind you. “No”, we do not carry them because so and so company bought out the company that made your dryer and on that went…Ad nauseam I suppose that you might still be laughing after you read what I asked next. “Well then what does your store Now sell in dryer units? I might have added the Dryer du jour, but I did not. He said the company that bought out the company that my dryer was from was one of the premier until that this UN NAMED store carries…Are you with me so far? I stopped asking questions…I just get to wait yet another week for the Part to come in…Ain’t life GOOD?

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