Friday, May 09, 2008

Our Dog Family

Number one dog in residence is our now 13-year-old GEORGE!
Tuesday that all changed.


TWO puppies we now have Liver and White female is now named: Mountaineer Lily Black and White male is now named: Mountaineer House.

Pet Rescue Jazzy the Mom of the TWO puppies Jazzy will be spayed once she has regained her weight and strength.
George was trimmed before we brought him home 11 years ago… The story begins with the Post on Wednesday May 14 HAPPY FRIDAY!


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart for taking in the momma and babies. You have a wonderful family who will repay your kindness for as long as they all live.

DeeMom said...

OH Abraham you are back from your test...been thinking about you, hope all is well

YA seems SUCKER for pet rescues is a good thing for us...Babies went to the vet today House is 4 # Lily is 3.5 pounds, and the vet said HANDSOME PUPS...

Feels so right...They all are still adjusting but doing an A job so far....

Besides, what a good Mothers Day for Jazzy, a home her FINAL home to thrive with two of her babies

dot said...

I'm sure they have found a good home with you!

Tom said...

I know now how much pleasure you will all get from these dogs.... I am also looking forward to seeing and hearing all about these two pups growing up in your home... well done to all..

Tene Murray said...

Beautiful puppies! And I'm sure they'll all love their new home...

Alyssa said...

You are such a wonderful family to share your good life with creatures in need! Poor Jazzy has had a rough life but she'll soon forget it all. I'm sure that your blended family will all work out fine.

Why did you name the one pup House? I understand the Mountaineer part, but House?? They are so cute - no one can resist a pup!!

Heart warming and wonderful posts.

DeeMom said...

AH Alyssa, see we my hubby and son were sitting on the deck at the end of a long day, we bantered names about...

I commented her looked so stocky, like a male we had had years ago

Like a tank SHERMAN / Rommel's ~~~~~~~~~ naw not right

Then someone said like a brick s house we all laughed I said HOUSE WOW solid foundation... that is how that happened...

Although many might think the TV series... Not so

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh beautiful, mom and puppies.Lovely images.

ratmammy said...

oh my god! look at the happy doggies! What type of breed are they? They are so precious!

i beati said...

I am so in love

Madeleine said...

To cute and such a good cause, bless you

Berni said...

Lovely puppies. Thanks for dropping by mine