Friday, April 11, 2008

Sky Watch Friday ~ Ootheca

Dateline ~~ Friday’s edition ~~ Check it out at
In the spring I look at the trees making sure the progression of leaf buds are coming along, especially on the trees we planted last year. Deep within hoping they made it. While doing a walk about I noticed, on an overcast day…what appears to be a cocoon of sorts.
Sleuthing ~~ What’s That Bug? Camera in hand then a dash for the Audubon Book on Insect 's …double confirmation using site from the Internet I have concluded that is is highly likely we have a CASE.
In Fall, the female builds cocoon out of something like paper mache and lays her eggs inside. The cocoon over-winters and the eggs hatch out in spring. The frayed material dribbling out of the left side of a cocoon indicates a successful hatchout.
Ootheca ~ a case or capsule containing eggs, as that of certain gastropods and insects.
Origin: 1850–55

I am guessing it is a Mantis home

~~Taxonomy ~~
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
...I think it is a wonderful work of Art...


~~ ~~Mother Nature is Awesome! ~~
Have a Splendid Weekend


SandyCarlson said...

Bring it on, Mother Nature! Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Now I wonder what will come out of there?
Good choice.

Nessa said...

Neat pods.

Anita said...

OH! I LOVE this!

Unknown said...

Nice SWF post, great shots.

Daniel J Santos said...

Excellent post, excellent picture.

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is very nice never have seen one

FO - 2 said...

Neat shots! :)
Wishing you a nice weekend.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

It is so much fun to watch spring arrive.

maryt/theteach said...

WOW! Beautifully photographed! marvelous subject! :D

Sol said...

Hi there.
Interesting photos ;-}
Never seen anything like it....
Wishing you a great weekend.

Anne-Berit said...

Great shots!Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

These are special photos. I am interested in these pods. Nice work.

Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

gaz said...

hi, this is cool. i've never seen one of these before.

Katarina said...

That's interesting - nice shot!

CherryPie said...

Nice capture, very interesting :-)

dot said...

We see them (the praying mantis) around here during the summer. Great pictures and information!

Misty DawnS said...

This is a great post! I learned a lot here - thank you!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful you have a a "praying mantis" pod.
Great picture.
- Cheers.

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Great shot, with beauty, sensitivity and originality.

Denise BC

Angie said...

Lovely photos. A great sky watch contribution

Randi said...

wow!! great catch!!

nonizamboni said...

Phenomenal photos!
thanks for sharing

Kerri Farley said...

Oh I do agree...Nature is Fabulous!
Perfect shot for skywatch. I do hope you show us what comes out of that "home"!

Petunia said...

Yes, mother nature is awesome and your photos are great:D

Petunia's SWF

Andree said...

that's what i was thinking, too, a mantis. i'm NO expert but just learned about their cases on another blog. blogs teach me more about nature than anything else ever did. i want to be at a case to photograph the mantis emerging.