Wednesday, April 09, 2008

ABC Wednesday Letter " L"

Lure and that is NO LINE… ;)
Feel free to Join in here!


Go To Mrs. Nesbitts Place
Fishing has been in my blood for years… This is the first photo of memory… I learned so much from this man; fishing was one of the many skills he offered… Just ask me how to operate a Band saw, or a Table Saw etc… there is so much more… I wish I had listened HARDER…Now.
~~ My Sweetie and I even went Fishing on our Honeymoon… ~~~ OH yes you may laugh…but tiz true… ;) Fisherfolk ~~ BY Robert Service
I like to look at fishermen And often times I wish One would be lucky now and then And catch a little fish. I watch them statuesquely stand, And at the water look; But if they pull their float to land It's just to bait a hook. ~~ I ponder the psychology That roots them in their place; And wonder at the calm I see In ever angler's face. There is such patience in their eyes, Beside the river's brink; And waiting for a bite or rise I do not think they think. ~~ Or else they are just gentle men, Who love--they know not why, Green grace of trees or water when It wimples to the sky . . . Sweet simple souls! As vain I watchMy heart to you is kind: Most precious prize of all you catch, --Just Peace of Mind.
In terms of recreational fishing, a lure is an object attached to the end of the fishing line and designed to resemble and move like an item of fish prey. The purpose of the lure is to use movement, vibrations, and color to catch the fish's attention to make them bite the hook. Lures are equipped with one or more single, double, or treble hooks that are used to hook fish when they attack the lure. Lures are usually used with a fishing rod and fishing reel outfit. When a lure is used for casting, it is continually cast out and retrieved, the retrieve making the lure swim. A skilled angler can explore many possible hiding places for fish through lure casting. ~~~
History/Methods/Types I happened onto a great sale the other day. 75 % off fishing Lure Christmas ornaments. How Kewl is that! ~~ Here are the ornaments along with my tackle box~~
A Fishing line is any cord made for fishing. Important parameters of a fishing line are its length, material, and weight (thicker, sturdier lines are more visible to fish). Factors that may determine what line an angler chooses for a given fishing environment include breaking strength, knot strength, UV resistance, castability, limpness, stretch, abrasion resistance, and visibility.
Fishing lines were often constructed from horse hair or silk thread, with catgut leaders. From the 1850s, modern industrial machinery was employed to fashion fishing lines in quantity. Most of these lines were made from linen, silk, and more rarely cotton or flax, sometimes with a waterproofing compound added during line manufacture
These Awesome RED HOOKS…
well my Sweetie bought those for me last weekend…they are just to neat.
In my Tackle box is a Mini first aid kit and of course hand sanitizer. YUP Laugh again if you wish. Ever since I was a little girl and Daddy would pull those worms apart and there was this ICKKY STUFF…
YUP I had to have clean hands, Goodness sake what if I wanted to play with my hair… HA HA!
~ ***An aside, I used a knife to cut the worms apart so their insides would not spill over onto my hands… Tee Hee


Tom said...

Hi Dee
I remembered this one...
What a great L post.. Lure... more like a Lesson.. I have learned so much. I went visiting yesterday, one of the 3 brothers we go to see was off on a three day trip to a lake where theres catfish.. hopefully he catches one and he takes a picture for me to show you.

Andrea said...

How precious sitting on the big rocks while dad teaches his little princess how to fish.

dot said...

Great post and the picture is just wonderful! I've always enjoyed fishing but sadly don't do it any more. All the good places to fish are too far away.
Enjoyed your L post!

Nessa said...

My husband loves fishing - a gift from his dad.

Unknown said...

What a great L post Dee!

Rune Eide said...

Have fun - and a bit of fish!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh that was so sweet, i love the first photo that is so precious.

Anne-Berit said...

Lovely photos and story:o)

photowannabe said...

That's true love to buy fishing gear for your birthday. Love all the L posts you did, especially the one of you and your Dad fishing at such a young age. Truely darling.

naturglede/Randi Lind said...

I like the picture og the little fisher. I can fish, but I did not do it often, I rather take photoes of the fish. Have a nice week.

KOSTAS said...

Marvellous all the photographs but first is leading! Very good, informative and cheerful post!

imac said...

Ah this one didnt get
Great idea for ABC L theme.

Powell River Books said...

Lure is a great L. I too fished with my dad from a very early age. My favourite is a red and white daredevil. Fishing season opened here on the first and we haven't had a chance to get out yet. Your post gave me the itch though. Thanks for visiting my log pictures. To answer your question, our cabin is all finished. We've had it since 2001. You can visit my blog for lots more stories and pictures of its construction and our lifestyle. Thanks so much for visiting. - Margy

FO - 2 said...

You are just about ready for a fishing trip. ;)
Charming picture from one of the trips. Very cute! :)

Berit T said...

I love fishing!

Paulie said...

Great explanation with photos! I hate to fish and my family went fishing all the time. I would rather play in the water and find rocks. . . my dad was also a rock hound!

Jane said...

Looks like we were on the same wave length today! Happy ABC Wednesday fellow angler.

Neva said...

If I ever went fishing and had to cut the guts out of fish there would definitely be hand sanitzer handy! great post!

Katney said...

You have quite a collection fo lures and gear. I would not have a clue what to do with any of it.

kRiZcPEc said...

thanks for sharing, ;)

Coy Hill said...

LOL !! A great discription of fishing! I often have wondered why I am "hooked" on fishing and now you explain the whole thing in just one post.

ps No hand sanitizeron my boat, only hands that smell like fish allowed :)

kml said...

Very original - can tell you love to fish!