Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Birth Announcement ~ April 29

The Toulouse was originally bred in France and is one of the most common and popular barnyard geese.
All Toulouse Geese are gray. Their backs are a darker shade, over lighter gray plumage, and their undersides are pure white. The bills of Toulouse Geese are bright orange, as are their legs. The feathers are quite long and most Toulouse Geese have rather loose skin. Some Toulouse Geese have been color bred into white and buff shaded varieties. The name Toulouse is used for several types of gray geese descended from the European Greylag.
Gestation is 28 – 30 days…
Goose Facts
More pictures at Eleven...
Momma G 1 has always been a great Mother!
A special Thank you to my Husband who took part in the paparazzi crew last night.
His pictures are Wonderful…


Tom said...

How good is this... :O) your own little goslings to capture on camera.. you both took great shots.

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations! These geese are lovely looking birds!

dot said...

Very pretty geese pictures. The little ones are so cute!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh, Congrats on the babies! How awesome to see that!
And your hubby did take some FABULOUS shots!

Alyssa said...

Now you are Grandparents!! Your goose is so elegant looking - even right after having multiple babies!

The babies are like tiny stuffed toys. Is the mom real protective or is she relaxed around you? What an exciting event! and wonderful pictures.

DeeMom said...

Relaxed ALyssa, she has been a great MOM for MANY a hatch...we now Oficially AS of tonight have 4 live ones, one died after hatchign adn 7 eggs left that Mom is sitting on...

Tiem will tell if there are more from THis nest....we have thre others Moms sitting Plus the ducks AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH births kewl

imac said...

This is fantastic flow of shots, 1st class post.

Willard said...

Thanks for sharing the information and photographs on the geese.

Tell your husband that he did a good job with the camera.