Monday, December 03, 2007

Special Deer Hunt

December 3, 2007 << The Governor's One Shot Whitetail Hunt and Banquet is meant to draw attention to West Virginia hunting opportunities and the Hunters Helping the Hungry Program.
<< The program, which has supplied venison to hungry West Virginians for 16 years, will receive not only the deer shot during the event, but also the proceeds from the entry fees and banquet tickets.
<< In addition to Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal, guests include individual hunters and teams sponsored by various utilities and other companies.
>> “All of the deer killed will be donated to the Hunters Helping the Hungry Program, and the meat will be distributed to needy people throughout the state,” he added. “In addition, the profits from the sponsorships and the closing-night banquet will be donated to the program. We’re hoping to clear about $10,000 for Hunters Helping the Hungry.”
>> The hunt’s ultimate goal, Jezioro said, is to draw attention to the Hunters Helping the Hungry Program and possibly secure a permanent sponsor for it. “It costs about $75,000 to $80,000 a year to process all the deer that are donated to the program, and we’d like to find a company or a person to sponsor that,” he said. “There’s no better cause than putting food on the table for people.”


Hunters Helping The Hungry

>> Generous hunters are donating deer to the Hunters Helping the Hungry (HHH) program, providing thousands of pounds of venison to needy families across the state.


The 2007 season marks the 16th consecutive year that the Division of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Section (WVDNR) has sponsored the HHH Program. During this time, generous hunters and financial contributors have enabled the processing of 15,637 deer. With an average of nearly 38 pounds of ground venison produced from each deer, more than 588,937 pounds of highly nutritious meat has been made available to needy families throughout West Virginia .

>> Hunters participating in the program take their deer to approved meat processors where it is turned into two-pound packages of ground venison. The Mountaineer Food Bank of Gassaway and the Huntington Area Food Bank, both members of Second Harvest, collect the venison and then distribute it to the needy through their network of qualified charitable food pantries, soup kitchens, agencies, senior centers, and needy families. Financial support for the HHH comes from concerned individuals, businesses, conservation organizations, foundations and churches.



Gretchen said...

Sounds like a really great program!

Julie said...

Hi Deemom. I've left you an answer to your comment on my blog as I do not have an email address for you. I forgot to add that , yes, I do knit a little. I've knitted jumpers in the past but my hands get painful now so I only knit occasionally. I'm getting into embellishing or needle felting and stitching tho.

DeeMom said...

Gretchen it sure does seems to be a good program… A win win as I see it.
Thanks for popping in

Julie, I do not display my e-mail, but I have yours. I will send something out in a couple of days on knitting. I like your sense of ART and fibers. I will send on a link of a friend of mine that does jewelry. I think you might enjoy a look at what she/her shop has to offer. Always neat to see others STUFF. By the BY the beads you got are awesome, that is why I shall send this woman’s link.

Anonymous said...

I really have to objection to those who kill wildlife and eat the meat but I really don't like people who kill for "sport."

This sounds like a wonderful program and at the same time will help the wildlife too as numbers tend to increase and without any natural predators like wolves, they would become a real problem. This is good.

Coy Hill said...

A number of states have programs such as this. Proper population control benifits the herd's health and the habitat. This would appear to be a win win situation.

DeeMom said...

Hi Abraham, hope you are feeling better.
There are always predators; two and four legged to be sure. We have coyotes here then lets add the wild dogs that roam and kill the sheep…always problems to be sure.

Salty hi there, I also believe it is a WIN WIN…It seems to be working here. I will say that our Department of Natural Resources seems to be doing a good job.