Thursday, February 22, 2007

Maybe In a few of weeks ~~ "Musco Ducks"

As far as I am concerned SPRING has arrived. This one particular pair of geese are checking the odds of using a nesting area that has proved to be a good one in the past. It usually takes them several weeks to firmly decided as well as prepare the nest for the depository of their clutch of eggs. The ice jam has cleared and life goes on. The wood ducks are delighted to have no ice to hamper their spring rituals. The sun is shining and the temperatures have moderated nicely so far. There is one lone Muscovy duck that my heart is aching for. It had lost its mate [old age] this past December. I honestly think I want more of this particular breed of duck. Most people find this duck ugly, for some reason I never thought they were especially ugly just unique. So while I am gone I will really think about adding more Muscovys, if only to give the lone one company. Besides they are really dear ducks. Now back to de icing the Deck. I really want to grill out this weekend!

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