Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Prismatic ally speaking

Sparkly swords of winter adorn the eaves!


Becki said...

great pistures

Anonymous said...

Well, that pretty much settles it. You don't live in Florida.

Abraham Lincoln

Tom said...

Great post this one again 'D', we don't seem to get many icicles now, our winters just seem to be wet and windy. I remembering them from when I was younger, the river near our house had them by the waterfall so some were very long.

Jane will love the fairy and icicles pictures, she as a collection of fairy's which I must show on my blog sometime.

Julie said...

Beautiful Icicles Dee! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

Peter Parrott said...

Wom Tigley is showing me how to do comments today
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments.
Tom as shown me your blog many times when I visit him and Jane.

Thank you

Yolanda said...

I love these photos they are so pretty.

imac said...

Great photo of Prism Lights.
Great post and great photos.
love em all

Kerri Farley said...

Well done Dee Mom....those are great! I especially like the 2nd one....you can really see a kind of sprial in the ice.

Neat shots!!

DeeMom said...

Thanks Becki
HA HA oldmanlincoln , you are a hoot

Old Wom Tigley thank you and thank you Julie
Awwwww thanks Peter Parrott , shucks call me Dee ;)
Welcome back Yolanda and thank you as well.
imac thank you and thank you as well Kerri

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Beautiful photos of the icicles!

FO - 2 said...

These are GREAT!!! :)))