Welcome to ABC Wednesday. It's always nice to have new people join in on the fun. You're off to a good start with your B photo. I also like your "What Kind of Flower are You?" link.
Ooh! I hope no-one fell through. Excellent shot of a difficult subject. Thanks for visiting me and my apologies for taking so long to return the visit.
See you next week at C :)
Brilliant colour lighting and subject. Love it.
Let us just hope that all the ice will break soon. However, over here it has just started to snow...
Nice Idea
Nice photo!
Looks that we are going too have fun at Abc-Wednesday:)
The break of the ice is promising. I`m longing for spring.... ;)
Great shot!
Good choice, looks pretty damned cold
Is this a January thaw or the beginning of spring where you live?
Looks COLD too.
Nice photo, nice colour!!!
Good photo.
Oh now that is clever and such a nice shot!
Ok I hope that only the iCe is B Broken, nice found of B.
See what I made the first time for ABC wednesday,I made music combined with photography
Greetings from JoAnn Holland
Great photo! I also enjoyed your other ice photos!
Definitely a good choice for this week!
Welcome to ABC Wed....good choice for "B"...love the broken ice!!
Don't step on brokenice!
That's a great photo, but it looks really cold!
that's broken the ice nicely
welcome to ABCW
This is great B 'D'... ha!
We have had a lot of ice around here, too. My B picutres were taken in the summer, though.
I enjoyed scrolling down through your earlier posts as well.
Cool shot.
Welcome to ABC Wednesday. I really like this shot of the broken ice. It has a very abstract quality to it. Good job.
Oh What a WONDERFUL "B" Post! That had never even crossed my mind!
Welcome to ABC Wednesday. Looks cold - I like living in a place tat never gets snow and ice.
Good one - this is only my 2nd time so welcome and hope to see you over at my place.
N-ice one.
My ABC is now up.
also next post =they are real
Oh it's beautiful.
Nice photo. Something we never see here. Brrr!
I love taking ice pictures! What a good idea for a b post.
it makes you want to put your foot on it despite the danger........smashing!!
This is a nice capture of the ice.
Welcome to ABC Wednesday. Nice photo and I enjoyed your blog.
oh that looks cold like it is here great Start for your first ABC
This is a lot of fun
Welcome to ABC Wednesday. It's always nice to have new people join in on the fun. You're off to a good start with your B photo. I also like your "What Kind of Flower are You?" link.
This was clever for a "B" word.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! It is my first ABC Wednesday too!
I wonder if I will see ice like this on my expedition?
Edmund (the explorer) Nesbitt
great shot of broken ice.
Broken ice what a
great choice for B.
Have a Blessed Happy
Creative Fun Healthy Year!!!
Ooh! I hope no-one fell through. Excellent shot of a difficult subject. Thanks for visiting me and my apologies for taking so long to return the visit.
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