Tuesday, January 01, 2008


A mixture; a medley.
French, from Middle French, from mesler, meler to mix — more at meddle
Date: 1653 : a mixture often of incongruous elements
Goodness that in itself is LIFE would you not agree? Today begins even at 3:30 am when the howling of the winds arouse the dog, the rain strikes the skylights and I dream of snow.
A mixture a medley.6 A.M. it was still darkish outside, the moon in its Last Quarter. I sat in my Nook watching the clouds pass over the moon, sometimes it seemed like a light covering of silk organza, other times a downy goose filled comforter. Some times the comforter changed from a light gray to a foreboding deeper charcoal gray.


The trees were swaying the rhythmic persuasion of an mysterious dancer, HA like I have ever seen one! Unless doing the Boogaloo counts.


The deer were frolicking, as the wind gusts seemed to raise their spirits. I did see a minute snowflake. I really did, how neat. We have kept some of our outside lights up simply because I like them and also am hoping to see them surrounded by a decent snowfall.


So far all my New Years Resolutions have not been broken. Ah the day is young you see. Ummmmmmm resolutions. Some say “Bah Humbug”, others fluff it off, and some people actually make them. I think, as resolutions go we bite off more than need be. Taking one day at a time, like making a recipe, do not dump all the ingredients in one bowl.


The only Resolution I am going to share is: “Complain less and give more.” I am making a copy of what I hope to achieve and tape it to my calendar as a daily reminder, to me, of the goals I have set forth for myself.


Now enuff serious stuff, on with LIFE! Or as the French would say, “Joie de vivre.”A term used to express a cheerful enjoyment of life. (from the French joie, "joy"; de, "of"; vivre, "to live, living"; "the joy of living").

First my Sweetie is trying out his new tree pruner, might as well add to the burn pile. It is far too windy to start our New Years Bon Fire, so I will again settling back knitting, reading, watching the tube occassionally and making my Sweetie the foods he likes. Yup todays breakfast was homemade biscuits, sasuage with gravy and eggs. No wonder he went out to chainsaw that tree in the far pasture that had fallen. He is well fortified. ;) A PS: I was able to stay awake until 10:30 last night HA, HA, HA! Sweetie outlasted me until 11:04 P.M. ;) ~~~~~~~~ Now to fix him lunch! ;)


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I like that chain saw. A nice blend of technology and old fashioned poles.

Happy New Year to you and to your family from me and Patty.

Alyssa said...

Happy New Year, Dee! Sorry I haven't visited, but you know how the holidays can be. We've had 30 inches of snow as of the other day so I'll gladly send you some. It's pretty but hard for lots of people to shovel or even get around. Your Sweetie's new pruner is great. Steve has one like that and is very satisfied with it. Maybe this weekend you'll be able to have your bonfire. I think your resolution is one of the best I've heard.

imac said...

A ladder and a hand saw, THEN you could have gone out for a few drinks and a meal. haha.

Happy 2008.

very interesting post.

Visit my Picture Story.

Tom said...

What a nice thought provoking post today 'D'. I like the pruner by the way, and the barn/shed. As for resolutions, my only one is to follow my urgies.
I picked up some knitting just after Christmas and I'll make a few things this year for my Grand Daughter. I also wanted to make her a 'Rag Doll', it's something I've never done before and I was happy that it only took me an afternoon to make the body, arms and legs. It looks great all stitched up.. by hand I may had. ha! not bad for a 17st plus guy...
All the best for this years blogging 'D', I look forward to more comment sharing with you again this year.

Willard said...

The pole saw brings back memories. I had to run one a lot when I was a maintenance worker for the PGC!

I always found it hard to get out of the truck and start cutting on a cold winter morning! At least you had him well fortified with that tasty breakfast.

Becki said...

hi Dee great pictures and to get the music on your blog if you click on the bottom were iv got mine it should take you straight to the web site to do it...
thanks for your comment. becky

DeeMom said...

Thanks Becki, I will check that out later.

Actually, Willard, my Sweetie had a difficult time getting it started as well, but once it started it did fine, although it seems to need some adjustments in the Idle. Sure beats the stepladder for the small stuff. Think it will prove quite handy.

Heyya there “O”, Rag Dolls are the best even for a 17year old knitter? WOW Tom time went backwards, Tee HEE
You must take pictures of your project, esp with that awesome new camera!

Imac we had fun with the new tools, now to settle down and do a proper job of trimming will take some time and forethought.

Alyssa, Man that a goo gob of snow, I do believe this weekend will be the bonfire, temperatures to rise from last nights 13 to Saturday at 46 it will be much better.

IT is a neat one Abraham, for the most part I will not use a chain saw, I have seen what human damage it can do in the hands of the Not So safer person. I do have a small electric one that I feel safe in using. But for sure never to feel a HUGE tree.