Sunday, November 02, 2008

Ponderings on the wonth of Nov… ;)

November is the eleventh month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four Gregorian months with the length of 30 days. November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning "nine") when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.

The weather outside was magnificent. The wind gently blew more leaves to the ground. The squirrels were using the tree branches like trampolines. You do know it is never wise to be under a NUT tree in the fall?
WVU won against U Conn -West Virginia 35, Connecticut 13


It was over when... Jock Sanders scored his third TD of the third quarter to give WVU a 28-13 lead.Gameball goes to... Pat White. The WVU quarterback ran for two TDs (109 rushing yards) and threw for one (121 passing yards).Stat of the game... 4,000-5,000. White surpassed the 4,000 career rushing yards and 5,000 career passing yards milestones.
October 18 began Bow for Deer. Remember to wear ORANGE…specifically BLAZE orange because Hunting goes through December 31, depending on bow, muzzleloader, antlerless etc.
~~ Here is one proud Bow Hunter… WTG James!


Before the game began and again at halftime…I was outside enjoying leaves and the relocation of many of them.


Yup lots of nuts in the woods. Today as well offers some fabulous weather, the sun is already shedding its luxurious glow to the leaves. The ground around the house is now devoid of leaves. They have been placed in all of the flower beds. The grass looks like spring green velvet. There are occasional BUMPS of orbs that punctuate ones walk around the area.


The word walnut derives from Old English wealhhnutu, literally "foreign nut", wealh meaning "foreign" (wealh is akin to the terms Welsh and Vlach; see *Walha and History of the term Vlach).[1] The walnut was so called because it was introduced from Gaul and Italy. The previous Latin name for the walnut was nux Gallica, "Gallic nut".


History Of Walnuts by: Pat Malcolm


The first historical accounts of walnut trees growing under civilized cultivation was in ancient Babylon (Iraq) about 2000 B.C.; however, walnuts have evidently been attached to mankind much earlier by excavations from cave fossils as suggested by archeologists.


More Information Here!


imac said...

Hey, interesting info.
Thanks for visiting my blog now that ive started blogging again.
Also your kind comments.

Coy Hill said...

Nice buck the young lad collected. Plenty of steaks in that one :)