Monday, August 28, 2006

We have something new ...OR

Someone Elsie's Moos Or Begin the Bovine Title wise perhaps is all that is new. Apparently George, the Wonder Springer is now a Cow Consultant. Mooving I see you are thinking. The most amazing thing occurred this past weekend, while sitting comfortably around the small Koi pond it was apparent that George can telepathically connect with my sweetie. How Kewl is that? I sat in UDDER amazement about what George thinks about. In such amazement I thought it worthy to Blog. Recently our neighbor across the creek moved his cattle in that pasture, so we hear the lowing of cows now. There must be some Prior connection in Georges distant past that gives him the ability to telecommunicate. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ha Ha must have been the Milk! OK OK its sorta Cheesy aMERICAN cOW pIE How very amoosing :) Lets face it this weekend was a Catharsis! …a sudden overwhelming feelings of great laughter, resulting in the renewal, restoration and revitalization for living. Just ask George!

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