Wednesday, August 23, 2006

One of those days when…

OR am I just due for a bummer of a day? I think cleaning the grill two days straight has made me SILLY [er]! …you do not give a Farkleberry? Or was it the flying Fickle Finger of fate award? Or the Blue bird of Happiness up your snout? Farkleberry Vaccinium arboreum Ericaceae Goodness which was it? The Farkle Family was immortalized in the Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In television show (1968 - 1973). The most popular character was Flicker Farkle, the cute little girl of the clan. Farkle (or "farkel") is the name of a family dice game, played with six dice.


DeeMom said...

That is a crawdad the cat drought to the deck from Sarah's Pond area, Just a closeup

DeeMom said...

the picture fit 'cause I was feeling CRABBY

Tene Murray said...

I remember the Farkle Family, but my favorite was a relative named Sparkle Farkle...

Thanks for bringing a grin to this misanthrope... LOL!

DeeMom said...

Happy Friday TKM