Gosh I just went to the grocery and all seemed well.
I had forgotten to get fixings for a quiche to go with the Home Made Leek Soup
and the roast for this evening!
Needed to get George, the Wonder dog back inside first…
I came back out and saw Momma feverishly looking for her wee ones…
I could hear the peeping for her.
out to tell her mate about the kids. They really thought Mom talked WAY TOO
LONG, I am guessing. Once Mom got back into the bed and the nest, they scurried
over to get under wing [not underfoot, hee hee] she has several eggs un -hatched
and will take a few days to hatch any remaining eggs before she takes the family
out for their first walk.
had to make room for Mom ;)
Whooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo
Click here for more Information about these really neat DUCKS!
Soon I will get back to Egypt and my One Mile Camel Ride…but this is too precious not to share!

We had ducks one year under our living room window and when they hatched they stayed here for several days and then mother left and they followed in a row. She took them to the creek but getting them there was a challenge and some fell into the sewer and some were run over by passing cars. I often wonder how many made it.
Such wonderful places, so different from where I have lived. The Hamlet of Gordon, Ohio is where I was born and raised and it
is how small hamlets used to be and this one still exists.
The Hamlet of Gordon
Awwwwww! They're gorgeous!
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