A casual observer and commentator of the human, flora and fauna conditions.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Happy March 1st, everyone!
Hi there tiz moi ;) with an announcement!
Drum roll please ~~~ In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
Looking out from the NOOK it seemed as if we were in one of those Snow Globes. Beautiful fluffy snow…
Breakfast of cereal was the only noise, crunch, crunch, and a slurp for my Sweetie as he sipped his tea. We just sat and looked for a bit.
He was such a dear, but then he always is…;) he put op a shelf for me and fixed a wire on the Radio speaker, and concurred about placement of some more art work in the newly renovated Nook…
Time seemed to stand still ;)
Look beyond the branch for the Pun Intended :)
It is too wet and miserable to go out side and putter about, so we are enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon…
You have lots of interesting things to look at! Happy March 1st to you!!
Dot it was a great DAY
What a great set of things to look at, we had a bit of snow this morning as well, but all is gone now. hoping for some warmer days
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