A great SKY watch that IF I get pictures I will share another week
Check it out some awesome photos from around the WORLD
Check this site for the PHOTO it is amazing.
On Friday, August 1st, the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun producing a total solar eclipse. The narrow path of totality stretches from arctic Canada through Greenland, Siberia, and Mongolia, and comes to an end in China, where millions of people will witness the event. Even more people will see the partial eclipse, visible from almost all of Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia and a corner of North America. The action begins at approximately 09:20 UT (5:20 am EDT) when the Moon's shadow first hits Earth in northern Canada and begins its rapid sweep toward China.
Less than 24 hours from now, the sun and Moon will meet, converging to produce a solar eclipse. The narrow path of totality stretches from arctic Canada, across Greenland and Siberia, to millions of waiting eyes in populous China. NASA TV will broadcast the event beginning Friday, August 1st, at 6 am EDT. Don't miss it!
Science@NASA: Partial Eclipse, Total Fun