Sunday, July 19, 2009

Remember the camp song Five little Speckled Frogs?

Reflecting the First Month of Vivienne ;=)

These are Muscovy Ducks on a log in front of our home on Hackers Creek

Five green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating the most delicious bugs Yum-yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Now there are four green speckled frogs. Four green and speckled frogs…


Coy Hill said...

Its not speckled frogs you captured here but this flock could sure eat a bunch of frogs :)

Congrats on your new Granddaughter, shes a beauty!

Tom said...

One of my favourite breeds of ducks.... for looks and the table.

Jenny said...

Well, that sounds a bit better than "5 wooden pigeons" or "10 monkeys jumping off the bed!" Great pictures. Are you going to enter them at Jackson's Mill since they're having a fair this year after all?

DeeMom said...

nope Jenny
Grand Daughter is more impt